My Story

My Story

I'm Jeff Williams - Musician. Teacher. YouTube Creator.  Thanks for checking out my site!

I'm based out of Boston, MA, and have been making my living in and around the Boston music scene for almost two decades. I've played with tons of bands across virtually every musical style (from reggae to country to funk to classical and so on) and have taught countless students of all ages and skill levels to achieve their musical aspirations, whatever they are.

Taking what I've learned as both a student and a teacher, I've created an approach to learning skills on guitar that provides the structure you need to see forward progress but maintains the flexibility required to allow you to experiment, reinvent yourself and have fun. Let me ask you:

  • Do you want to improve in your guitar playing but don't know where to begin?
  • Do you experience any of the following when you pick up your guitar to practice: feeling overwhelmed, frustrated, anxious, or unsure of yourself?
  • Do you picture yourself playing on stage in front of a crowd of friends and strangers and improvising/soloing with confidence, but can't make the vision you see in your head manifest in your playing?

I've been through the same things (and still struggle from time to time) but I've also seen first hand, through my own learning curve and through teaching others, how much can be gained with the right kind of support and so I've created my approach to reflect what I've learned. The core elements are:

  1. Clarity is Key - I always give clear, concise easy-to-understand explanations and instructions to help you master new skills and concepts.
  2. Maximize your Practice Time - We don't waste any time with exercises for the sake of exercises. Each lesson I teach comes with practice opportunities designed to deepen and enhance your learning and help you walk away from the practice session with more tangible skills than you had before you started.
  3. Framework + Flexibility - The number one missing element for most guitar learners is having a framework to follow that organizes the learning process and facilitates better results. My courses are structured in such a way that gives you a step-by-step process for mastering new skills but also maintains the freedom and flexibility needed so that you can truly express your own unique sound on guitar.

It has worked for hundreds of students before who wanted to transform their sound and change their perspective of themselves as musicians and of the learning process. And, it can be a lot easier and more efficient than you imagine with the right kind of help!


Let's Fast Track Your Guitar Goals

My Mission

Anyone who wants to push themselves, transform into better guitar players, reinvent themselves musically or find their own sound will get there faster with the help of a good teacher. That's why I want to share my experiences and the systems I've developed and pay it forward. My teachers helped motivate and guide me and that's what I want to do for others.

“Jeff’s teaching was crucial to my playing and after having him as an instructor, I realized the undiscovered PASSION I had for the guitar and music as a whole. After studying with Jeff, my ear for figuring out music, picking out keys, soloing and improvisation has DRASTICALLY IMPROVED but one of the most important things Jeff did for me personally was teach me to be more confident.

I was so self conscious about not being perfect when I played, especially during my improvisation but now, after studying with Jeff, I realize that I should try to be heard, and my musical skills have improved so much that I no longer need to worry about mistakes. I got a well-rounded musical education from a well-rounded instructor.”

A Great Teacher Makes the Difference

Through all of my experiences I've learned more than a thing or two about how to help others make good music. I've had many different mentors - from my mom, who taught piano lessons in the house while I grew up, to my first teacher, a Berklee professor who just happened to teach down the street at the local music shop, to Mr. Ferguson (the Man!) who conducted my middle school jazz band and gave me my first experiences of improvising, performing and playing with other people, to the many professors in college where I earned my degree in jazz guitar - and I really came to appreciate the importance of having a teacher that can guide you, support you and, most importantly, empower you to find your own sound and push yourself to continually grow.

That's what I try to be for my students and why my main focus is to share this message as widely as possible:


Playing to your potential is within your reach. I'd love to partner with you in the process and hopefully make the journey easier and more productive for you.

Want to Get Started?

Improvising made simple with my free, mini-course Improvise In Any Situation. See just how far you can move the needle in improving your guitar playing in a minimal amount of time!

Get the FREE Course NOW!